Silver Items In The Andcross Store

If you ask anyone to enumerate precious metals, most people will immediately name gold and silver. In Christianity, these two metals have not only material but also spiritual value. No wonder there are more than 300 mentions of silver in the Holy Scriptures.

In the Middle East, this metal has been used in trade, as currency, and for making jewelry since ancient times. Thus, Abraham, the first Hebrew mentioned in the Bible, was rich in silver (among other things) and actively used it. And before their departure from Egyptian slavery, the Israelites asked for silver from their neighbors at the behest of the Lord.

Silver in Christianity is closely related to purification. Pure soul, pure thoughts, and pure beauty of this metal are intertwined concepts. However, silver can also be associated with temptation.

There are many examples in the Bible showing us how silver can bring not only good but also evil. It all depends on the intentions of the owner and the way he uses it. After all, wealth can darken the mind and make you turn away from the right path.

Thus, the story of Joseph sold by his brothers serves as an example of the first sin associated with silver. God has repeatedly warned people against using valuables for sinful purposes. Thus, before the departure of Israelites from Egypt, he commanded: “Do not make silver idols to worship in place of Me”.

And the most remarkable example of using silver for evil purposes is Judas’s betrayal of Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Therefore, it’s much better to consider silver not as a currency but as a precious metal for making beautiful objects. This is the wisdom of the Lord – to rejoice in beauty instead of becoming its slave. A lot of objects in churches are made of silver. And parishioners try to get durable objects for wearing and using at home every day. The objects that look great and can serve for generations. You can order silver items on the website of the Andcross Orthodox Art Corporation. In the online store, there is a large selection of objects that a believer can wear on his chest and hands or use to protect his house from evil.

Of course, icons and crosses are the most popular products in the store. There are numerous options to choose between on the website of the Orthodox corporation.

Icons of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, and all the most venerated saints in Orthodoxy exist in different versions and artistic styles. But all of them are united by their incredible beauty and durability.

The crosses are handmade by Orthodox craftsmen with prayer and care. A person can wear them his entire life – from the moment of baptism – and feel the grace of Our Lord. Each cross offered in the Andcross online store is a real work of Christian art.

Apart from crosses, Orthodox Christians can wear pendants or lockets on their chests. These items with the depictions of the Guardian Angel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and George the Victorious can be found on the Andcross website. Also, you can find silver rings or bracelets to wear on your hands and wrists.

You can also buy a silver table bell on the website of the Andcross International Orthodox Art Corporation. The sound of the ringing silver bell is a joyful and good melody for every believer. As much as it’s pleasant for people, it’s also unbearable for evil spirits. The ringing of the bell drives it away. That’s why, having even a small silver bell at home will be great. Orthodox craftsmen carved incredibly beautiful images in the upper part of the table bells. Most often they depict angels.

On some silver products, it’s possible to make inscriptions. For example, one ring you can buy in the store has the engraving in Church Slavonic “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners” inside. In fact, we should repeat these words throughout the whole day. But we often forget to do it because we’re too busy. To some extent, the inscription on the ring does it for us. On other models of silver rings, the inscriptions are engraved on the outer side.

Every item created by craftsmen from different countries for the Andcross Orthodox Art Corporation is made from church silver. However, don’t think that it’s a special kind of metal. Church silver is called this way because the items are consecrated in churches and monasteries in accordance with the Christian tradition. Only after the priest says his prayer, the product acquires the strength and energy that help a person.

Pilgrim Ecclesiastic Educational Centre Andcross

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