August 2019, Raisa, Maardu

Just we returned from a pilgrimage trip to St. Petersburg and
the monastery of Alexander Svirsky from August 17-19. Joy with gratitude
overwhelms all the senses. The highest professionalism in the organization of the trip.
A very complex program – we visited the BLJ chapel. St. Xenia of St. Petersburg,
the Church of St. Andrew of Crete, the all-night service in St. Isaac’s Cathedral and drove through
the historical center of St. Petersburg. On Sunday, August 18
, they prayed at the Liturgy in the men’s Holy Trinity Alexander Svirsky
Monastery with the service of Abbot Anthony and the festive choir. And on a holiday
On the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 19, we were honored to pray together with
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of All Russia at the Transfiguration Cathedral in Moscow
St. Petersburg. There they received communion and all received a Blessing from the Patriarch
The whole group was filled with festive and prayerful joy.
Many thanks to the organizer of the trip Marina for her work and love for people.
May the Lord give health to all !

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