Holy Land 3-13. 10. 2008

There is in the East, under the blue vault of heaven, a small corner of the earth, destined from time immemorial by the Creator Himself to be the focus of the aspirations of all peoples and tribes who seek the true God and His providence on earth. As the heart is in man, so for thousands of years this promised land has poured out of itself, as from a spring of pure and inexhaustible, the power of spiritual life and unearthly truths that point man to the ideal to which he must tirelessly strive in order to achieve perfection. In the views of Christian peoples, this promised country has always seemed to be the pinnacle of the world, crowned with a Life-giving Cross, on which a terrible sacrifice was made about the human race, “wrote Fyodor Konstantinovich Grekov (Paleologist), an employee of the magazine” Russian Pilgrim ” at the end of the XIX century.

This country was called and is still called in different ways: The Promised Land, the Land of Canaan, Israel, Palestine, the Holy Land… This small corner of the earth is especially highlighted by God’s providence. Most of the events described in the Bible took place here. A righteous man once came to the Promised Land Abraham, laying the foundation for the God-chosen people and their faith in the One God. Here the prophet Moses led the people of God from the Egyptian captivity. Kings David and Solomon ruled here, and the prophets proclaimed the will of God to the people and spoke of the coming of the Savior into the world. Here passed the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ – from Nativity to Ascension.

In the Holy Land, to this day, everything preaches the gospel of Christ, and therefore it is sometimes called the fifth Gospel.

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Holy Land 26-06. 03. 2008

There is in the East, under the blue vault of heaven, a small corner of the earth, destined from time immemorial by the Creator Himself to be the focus of the aspirations of all peoples and tribes who seek the true God and His providence on earth. As the heart is in man, so for thousands of years this promised land has poured out of itself, as from a spring of pure and inexhaustible, the power of spiritual life and unearthly truths that point man to the ideal to which he must tirelessly strive in order to achieve perfection. In the views of Christian peoples, this promised country has always seemed to be the pinnacle of the world, crowned with a Life-giving Cross, on which a terrible sacrifice was made about the human race, “wrote Fyodor Konstantinovich Grekov (Paleologist), an employee of the magazine” Russian Pilgrim ” at the end of the XIX century.

This country was called and is still called in different ways: The Promised Land, the Land of Canaan, Israel, Palestine, the Holy Land… This small corner of the earth is especially highlighted by God’s providence. Most of the events described in the Bible took place here. A righteous man once came to the Promised Land Abraham, laying the foundation for the God-chosen people and their faith in the One God. Here the prophet Moses led the people of God from the Egyptian captivity. Kings David and Solomon ruled here, and the prophets proclaimed the will of God to the people and spoke of the coming of the Savior into the world. Here passed the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ – from Nativity to Ascension.

In the Holy Land, to this day, everything preaches the gospel of Christ, and therefore it is sometimes called the fifth Gospel.

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Egypt – Sinai 3-13 October 2008

Mount Sinai or, as it is called by the Egyptians, Mount Moses is located in the north of Egypt and is one of the Christian shrines. Here, according to the Biblical tradition, the Lord gave Moses the Tablets of the Covenant (stone tablets with the ten commandments inscribed on them). Here, for the first time, God appeared to Moses in the form of a Burning Bush (a burning and non-burning bush of thorns) and called on him to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

Mount Sinai is a place of a kind of pilgrimage feat: there is a belief that a person who overcame 3,750 steps cut by Christian monks in the rocks, climbed Mount Sinai and met the dawn on its top, is absolved of all sins.

Mount Sinai is the center of Christian shrines. The main one is the current monastery of St. Nicholas.Catherine (Greek), where the selfless monastic life has not stopped since the VI century. The monastery houses one of the world’s most valuable collections of ancient manuscripts and icons. On the site of the appearance of the Burning Bush stands a small church, in the courtyard of which the ever-living incarnation of Revelation is green-a thorn tree that can put out new branches from the old root. Basilica of the Transfiguration under the roof with cypress rafters, storing the relics of St. Nicholas. Catherine, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, in the crypt of which monks are still buried in accordance with the ancient Greek tradition, the monasteries behind a high fence, closed to the public, the Church of the Trinity – this is not a complete list of “witnesses” of the events of the early Christian era on the sacred Mount Sinai. Visiting these unique historical monuments, you will make many amazing discoveries for yourself.

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